
was a major exhibition and catalog of illustrated books and cover designs by William Starkweather in the
Hickory Museum of Art in North Carolina, entitled, HIDDEN TREASURES, March 28, 2013 through July 11, 2013. Images from the exhibition.
The Traditional Fine Arts Organization (TFAOI) has listed the Hickory Museum of Art "Hidden Treasures"catalog in its online database at: http://www.tfaoi.com/aa/10aa/10aa254.htmWilliam Edward Bloomfield Starkweather, illustrated and designed cloth binding covers for
many books from about 1892 to 1918. Starkweather designed bindings and illustrated books during the Golden Age of Commercial Cover Design and Illustration in America (1880's through
1915). During his lifetime, he was not recognized for his efforts. It is only in recent years that his talent in book design
and illustration has been discovered. Some of the books Starkweather designed, would be considered classic Edwardian
and classic Victorian Design. WEB Starkweather mostly created for R.F. Fenno and Co. at East Sixteenth Street,
in New York City. He also designed books for Grosset and Dunlap, F.M. Buckles and Macmillan and Co. There
are more than 80 books, and probably over 90 which he designed bindings for or created interior illustrations
for with his trademark signatures or monogram: S, W.S., WEBS or WEBStarkweather. In several books, he
added a two page pine cone line drawing as the front and rear endpapers in either green ink on white paper or
brown ink on white paper. In some books, Starkweather created marginal drawings, for each of the pages in
the book. The March of the White Guard is a perfect example of William Starkweather designed endpapers, marginal drawings, illustrations and a binding cover
design. Thanks to your support, our list of books is very impressive and continues to grow. Below are a few examples of William Edward Bloomfield Starkweather's creative work, in books.
Endpaper illustration, WEBStarkweather 1902 |

Friendship by Ralph Waldo Emerson |




1874 Other People's Money by Emile
Gaboriau, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1892 The Soul of Lilith by Marie Corelli, Grosset and Dunlap. 1894 The Deemster by Hall Caine, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1895 A Little Wizard by Stanley J. Weyman, R.F. Fenno
and Co. 1895 Strange Secrets by A. Conan Doyle, R. F. Fenno and Co. 1895
The Mystery of Cloomber, by A. Conan Doyle, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1895 The New Rector, by Stanley J. Weyman, F.M. Buckles and Co. 1895 The Nurnberg Stove by Ouida, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1895 The White Company, A.Conan Doyle,
R.F. Fenno and Co. 1897 Let Us Follow Him, Henryk Sienkiewicz, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1897 The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Edward Fitzgerald, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1897 The
Splendid Spur by Q, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1898 Peggy of the Bartons by B.M. Croker, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1899 A Romance of the Nineteenth Century by W.H. Mallock, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1899
The Hoosier School Master by Edward Eggleston, Grosset and Dunlap.
What Cheer, The Sad Story of a Wicked Sailor by W. Russell Clark, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1900 Hypatia by Charles
Kingsley, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1902 As A Man Thinketh, by James Allen, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1902 Bootles' Baby: or Mignon by John Strange Winter, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1902 Friendship
by Ralph Waldo Emerson, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1902 Open-Air Boy by G.M.A. Hewett, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1902 Self Reliance
by Ralph Waldo Emerson, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1902 Something in the City by Florence Warden, F.M. Buckles and Co.
1902 The March of the White Guard by Gilbert Parker, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1902 Thelma, A Society Novel by Marie Corelli, R.F. Fenno
and Co. 1902 Thelma, A Society Novel by Marie Corelli, Grosset and Dunlap 1902 The Wages of Sin by Lucas Malet,
R.F. Fenno and Co. 1903 The Light That Failed by Rudyard Kipling, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1903 The
Massarenes by Ouida, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1904 A Window in Thrums by J.M. Barrie, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1904
Balthazar the Magus by Albert Van Der Naillen, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1904 Brakespeare, or the Fortunes of a Free Lance by George A. Lawrence, McLeod and Allen 1904 Crecy, by Edith Lawrence, F.M. Buckles and Co. 1904 Ishmael by E.D.E.N. Southworth, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1904 Jewel Mysteries
by Max Pemberton, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1904 Modern Arms and a Feudal Throne by Milner T. Harrison, R.F. Fenno
and Co.
Self-Raised or From the Depths by E.D.E.N. Southworth, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1904 The Choir Invisible by James
Lane Allen, Macmillan Co. 1904 The First Violin by Jessie Fothergill, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1904 The King
of the Missing Links by Philip Verrill Mighels, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1904 The Last Sentence by Maxwell Gray, R.F.
Fenno and Co. 1904 Thelma by Marie Corelli, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1904 The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, R. F. Fenno and Co. 1904 The Pride of Jennico, by Agnes and Egerton Castle, The Macmillan Co.
1904 The Stowmarket Mystery, or a Legacy of Hate by Louis Tracy, R.F. Fenno and Co.
1904 The Two Orphans by
Adolphe D’Ennery, R. F. Fenno and Co. 1904 The Virginian by Owen Wister, Macmillan and Co. 1904
Uncle Tom’s Cabin by H. Beecher Stowe, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1905 Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush, Ian Maclaren, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1905 Black Butterflies by Berthe St. Luz, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1905 A Son of Hagar by Hall Caine, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1905 Lorna Doone by R.D. Blackmore, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1905 New Grub Street
by George Gissing, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1905 The Crimson Blind by Fred White, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1905 The Little Minister
by J.M. Barrie, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1905 The Serf: A Tale of the Times of King Stephens, by Guy Thorne, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1905 Thelma, A Society Novel, by Marie Corelli, R.F. Fenno and Co.
Captured: The Story of Sandy Ray by Charles King, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1906 Miss New York by Edmund Blair Pancake, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1906
Reveries of a Bachelor, Ik Marvel (Donald Grant Mitchell), R.F. Fenno and Co. 1906 The Choir Invisible by James Lane Allen, Grosset and Dunlap 1906 Thelma, A Society Novel, by Marie Corelli, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1906 The Weight of the Crown by Fred
M. White, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1907 By a City Grate by Ik Marvel (Donald Grant Mitchell), R.F. Fenno and Co. 1907 Evening by Ik Marvel (Donald Grant Mitchell),
R.F. Fenno and Co. 1907 Morning by Ik Marvel, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1907 Noon; from Reveries
of a Bachelor, by Ik Marvel (Donald Grant Mitchell), R.F. Fenno and Co. 1907 Over A Wood Fire, from Reveries of a Bachelor, by Ik Marvel, R.F. Fenno and Co
1907 Over His Cigar, by Ik Marvel (Donald Grant Mitchell), R.F. Fenno and Co. 1907 Thelma, by Marie Corelli, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1907
The Mistress of Bonaventure by Harold Blindloss, Fenno and Co. 1907 The Path of (to) Prosperity by James Allen, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1907
The Way of Peace by James Allen, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1908 Entering the Kingdom by James Allen, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1910 File No. 113 by Emile Gaboriau, R.F. Fenno and Co. 1910 Within an Inch of His Life by Emile Gaboriau,
R.F. Fenno and Co.
1930 Home and Field Magazine, Christmas,
December, Volume 40, Number 12, Field Publications Inc.
This is a partial listing of the books William
Edward Bloomfield Starkweather designed covers for or illustrated.
We are actively seeking to purchase the
1905, R.F. Fenno and Co version of Black Butterflies by Berthe St. Luz; as well as any binding covers monogramed
or interior pages illustrated by Starkweather. Some of the above books listed are available
for purchase through this web site.
Rare version with WEBS Starkweather monogram |

The Virginian by Owen Wister |
Signed illustration WEBStarkweather 1902 |

Thelma by Marie Corelli |

